// Class inheritances in a format that // http://www.yuml.me/diagram/class/draw // understands and draws things from [L.Util] [L.Browser] [L.LatLng|lat;lng] [L.LatLngBounds] has 2 -.-> [L.LatLng] [L.Point|x;y] [L.Bounds] has 2 -.-> [L.Point] [L.DomUtil] [L.DomEvent] [L.Class|options|extend();include();initialize()] [L.Class] ^- [L.Control|onAdd();onRemove()] [L.Control] ^- [L.Control.Attribution;L.Control.Layers;L.Control.Scale;L.Control.Zoom] // L.Control] ^- L.Control.Attribution] // L.Control] ^- L.Control.Layers] // L.Control] ^- L.Control.Scale] // L.Control] ^- L.Control.Zoom] [L.Class] ^- [L.Evented] [L.Evented|on();off();fire()] [L.CRS] ^- [L.CRS.Earth] [L.CRS] ^- [L.CRS.Simple] [L.CRS.Earth] ^- [L.CRS.EPSG3395;L.CRS.EPSG3857;L.CRS.EPSG4326] // L.CRS] ^- L.CRS.Earth] // L.CRS] ^- L.CRS.Simple] // L.CRS.Earth] ^- L.CRS.EPSG3395] // L.CRS.Earth] ^- L.CRS.EPSG3857] // L.CRS.EPSG3857] ^- L.CRS.EPSG900913] // L.CRS.Earth] ^- L.CRS.EPSG4326] [L.Evented] ^- [L.Layer] [L.Layer|onAdd();onRemove();getEvents();getAttribution();beforeAdd()] [L.Evented] ^- [L.Map|addHandler();addControl();removeControl();addLayer();removeLayer()] [L.Map] contains -.-> [L.Layer] [L.Map] contains -.-> [L.Control] [L.Map] contains -.-> [L.Handler] [L.Map] has one -.-> [L.CRS] [L.Class] ^- [L.Handler|addHooks();removeHooks()] [L.Handler] ^- [L.Map.BoxZoom;L.Map.DoubleClickZoom;L.Map.Drag;L.Map.Keyboard;L.Map.ScrollWheelZoom;L.Map.Tap;L.Map.TouchZoom] // L.Handler] ^- L.Map.BoxZoom] // L.Handler] ^- L.Map.DoubleClickZoom] // L.Handler] ^- L.Map.Drag] // L.Handler] ^- L.Map.Keyboard] // L.Handler] ^- L.Map.ScrollWheelZoom] // L.Handler] ^- L.Map.Tap] // L.Handler] ^- L.Map.TouchZoom] [L.Layer] ^- [L.Marker] [L.Icon] ^- [L.Icon.Default] [L.Icon] ^- [L.DivIcon] [L.Marker] drawn as a -.-> [L.Icon] [L.Layer] ^- [L.GridLayer|createTile()] [L.GridLayer] ^- [L.TileLayer|getTileUrl()] [L.TileLayer] ^- [L.TileLayer.WMS] [L.Layer] ^- [L.Renderer] [L.Renderer] ^- [L.Canvas] [L.Renderer] ^- [L.SVG] [L.Layer] ^- [L.Path] [L.CircleMarker] ^- [L.Circle] [L.Path] ^- [L.CircleMarker] [L.Path] ^- [L.Polyline] [L.Polyline] ^- [L.Polygon] [L.Polygon] ^- [L.Rectangle] [L.Path] drawn in a -.-> [L.Renderer] [L.Layer] ^- [L.LayerGroup] [L.LayerGroup] ^- [L.FeatureGroup] [L.FeatureGroup] ^- [L.GeoJSON] [L.Layer] ^- [L.DivOverlay] [L.DivOverlay] ^- [L.Popup] [L.DivOverlay] ^- [L.Tooltip] [L.Layer] ^- [L.ImageOverlay]